Ioannis Papageorgiou is professor at the School of Political Sciences of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, teaching European integration, EU political systems and policies and Comparative Politics. He is a lawyer and political scientist (degree is law from the University of Athens, MA in comparative politics from the University of Paris I and MA in development cooperation from the Université Libre de Bruxelles). His PhD (2001) from the ULB dealt with regional integration in Central America.
During the Cyprus Presidency of the Council of the EU in 2012, he acted as the Chair of the Asylum Working Party in the Council of Ministers of the EU. M. Papageorgiou has also worked as an independent expert in several international projects on migration and asylum since 2003. Between 2011-2 he was the Director of the Greek Asylum Service. Between 2016-2018 he worked in the Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs of the European Parliament in Brussels, dealing with the institutional aspects of Brexit and on issues of civil liberties. His academic research covers issues of European political integration, immigration policy and international humanitarian and refugee law. Since 2019, he holds the Chair Jean Monnet on “the fundamentals of European Integration: Democracy, institutions and policies”. In 2021 he was a Fulbright Visiting Scholar with the Georgetown Law University (Washington, DC). Since 2022, he is the Chair of the School of Political Sciences.
Selected publications (in English)
- «Democracy through regional integration: the role of institutions» (with K. Nyman Metcalf). Intersentia Brussels (2015).
- «The Hirsi Jamaa et al. V. Italy case: refugee protection in international waters». Comments on the a/m ruling of the European Court of Human rights. To Syntagma. 2-3-4/2013. pages 862-901. A. Sakkoulas ed(s). Athens. October 2013.
- “The Europeanization of immigration and asylum in Greece (1990-2012)”. The International Journal of Sociology– special issue on ‘Migration and Development: International Comparative Perspectives’,. Vol. 43, 3. Fall 2013. pp. 72-90.
- “ ‘Is this really what I voted for?’ on the Legitimacy of European integration” (with T. Kerikmae and K. Nyman Metcalf). Baltic Journal of Law and Politics.Volume 6, Issue 1 (Jun 2013) pp. 45-62.
- “Central American Integration System (SICA)”. In ‘the Democratization of International Institutions”Edited by Lucio Levi, Giovanni Finizio and Nicola Vallinoto. Routledge. Taylor and Francis group. London – New York. 2013.
- “The democratization elements in the regional integration process of Central America”. Electronic edition of the international research on the elements of democracy in supranational regional organisms (International Democracy Watch) carried out by the Turin University Center for Studies in Federalism. September 2010.
- “Social Rights at European, regional and international level – challenges for the 21stcentury”. Editing, translation of texts into English and contribution in this collective book. Bruylant Brussels. 2010. 408 p.
- «Social rights in Latin American regional texts». Contribution (pages 119-148) in the collective book entitled «Social rights at supranational level around the world – challenges and perspectives». Nikitas Aliprantis (ed.). Athens. Papazisis editions. 2008. 473 pages.
- “Unaccompanied minors asylum seekers in Greece” (with Georgia Dimitropoulou). Research commissioned by the Office of the UNHCR in Greece. In Greek and English. 112 pages. April 2008.
- «Regional Integration and Courts of Justice» (with Prof. K. Nyman-Metcalf). Brussels. Intersentia publications. Antwerpen. 2005.
- “The new “Dubliners”. An appraisal of the implementation of Council Regulation 343/2003 (with P.Papadimitriou).Journal of Refugee Studies 18 (3) Oxford University Press, Oxford. pp. 299-318.
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Διδασκόμενα μαθήματα:
Comparative Politics and Political Systems
Contemporary Issues of International Politics
History of European Integration
Latin America. Politics, society and international relations
Politics and Government in Southern Europe. A Comparative Analysis
Special Issues in Comparative Politics. The Political Systems of the United States and Russia
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